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Filtering by Tag: Thomas Phifer

AIA RIBA Keynote Lecture

Fiona Mckay

On November 1 st the annual Keynote Lecture was given by New York-based Thomas Phifer, FAIA. The lecture was co-hosted with the RIBA and was held at the RIBA’s headquarters in Portland Place, London. 

Thomas Phifer is known for his highly refined modernist designs and he is probably best known for several courthouses he has designed in the US including Salt Lake City and Long Island. His lecture however focused on 4 museum projects – the North Carolina Museum of Art, the Corning Museum of Glass, the Glenstone Museum, and the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw. Using this combination of completed and in-progress projects Phifer explained his design philosophy which has a particular emphasis on light, volume, and form

AIA UK sponsor Schüco generously funded the evening. Please remember them for your next project. For more images of the evening, please visit our Facebook Page.

Lester Korzilius, FAIA RIBA

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