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20th C Society: Post-War Public Art Walk - On The South Bank

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20th C Society: Post-War Public Art Walk - On The South Bank

Partner events with Historic England exhibition
Out There: Post-war Public Art
On the South Bank
Saturday, 20 February
Meet at 10.15 for 10.30am prompt start
Join Alexandra Epps, City of London Guide and Tate Guide for a fascinating stroll along the South Bank exploring selected post-war public art dating from 1951. Discover sculpture commissioned for the Festival of Britain and works from a range of artists including Naum Gabo and William Pye.
Meeting point
Outside Becket House
1 Lambeth Palace Road
London SE1 7EU
(opposite St Thomas’ Hospital)
(nearest tube Waterloo)
Walk ends at Somerset House for exhibition
Members £20.00 Non Members £25.00

Booking details here

The event price includes walk, a map commissioned for the event as well as entrance to the Historic England Exhibition at Somerset House.

CES Credits: 1.5