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Events Calendar

Filtering by: 20th Century Society

20th C Society: Herman van Berkeijk: Holland House, Bury Street by H. P. Berlage
6:30 PM18:30

20th C Society: Herman van Berkeijk: Holland House, Bury Street by H. P. Berlage

The 20th Century Society present a lecture on: Herman van Berkeijk: Holland House, Bury Street by H. P. Berlage

In 1916, in what was then a narrow street in the City, a novel building for a  Dutch shipping company was completed to designs by the major Dutch  architect, H. P. Berlage, and then largely ignored for 50 years. Herman van  Berkeijk of the Technical University of Delft will explore the background to  the commission and its place in Berlage’s career.

The Gallery, 70 Cowcross Street, EC1M 6EJ, at 6.30pm.

Members £8, Non-Members £10, students £5, including a glass of wine. 

CES Credits: 1.5

Booking Information here

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20th C Society: Elain Harwood: Byker and other work by Ralph Erskine
6:30 PM18:30

20th C Society: Elain Harwood: Byker and other work by Ralph Erskine

20th Century Society present a lecture on: Elain Harwood: Byker and other work by Ralph Erskine

Ralph Erskine was born and educated in Britain, but remained in Sweden at  the outbreak of war in 1939 and established a thriving practice before  receiving some major commissions in Britain from the mid 1960s onwards.  Elain Harwood interviewed Erskine in his last years and will put his most  famous English job, the Byker Esate in Newcastle, in context with some lesser  known work.

Members £8, Non-Members £10, students £5, including a glass of wine.

CES Credits: 1.5

Booking information here

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20th C Society: Post-War Public Art Walk - On The South Bank
10:15 AM10:15

20th C Society: Post-War Public Art Walk - On The South Bank

Partner events with Historic England exhibition
Out There: Post-war Public Art
On the South Bank
Saturday, 20 February
Meet at 10.15 for 10.30am prompt start
Join Alexandra Epps, City of London Guide and Tate Guide for a fascinating stroll along the South Bank exploring selected post-war public art dating from 1951. Discover sculpture commissioned for the Festival of Britain and works from a range of artists including Naum Gabo and William Pye.
Meeting point
Outside Becket House
1 Lambeth Palace Road
London SE1 7EU
(opposite St Thomas’ Hospital)
(nearest tube Waterloo)
Walk ends at Somerset House for exhibition
Members £20.00 Non Members £25.00

Booking details here

The event price includes walk, a map commissioned for the event as well as entrance to the Historic England Exhibition at Somerset House.

CES Credits: 1.5

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20th C Society: Lutyens In The City Of London - Friday 19th February 2016
6:30 PM18:30

20th C Society: Lutyens In The City Of London - Friday 19th February 2016

Lutyens In The City Of London - Friday 19th February 2016

6.30pm till 8.00pm

A talk by Dr Mervyn Miller for the Lutyens Trust in conjunction with The 20th Century Society at the Alan Baxter Gallery, 70, Cowcross Street, EC1M 6EL

While Sir Edward Lutyens is best remembered for his country houses, The Cenotaph and New Delhi, he designed major buildings in the City of London: Brittanic House, the former Midland Bank HQ and the former Reuter's Building. The Mercantile Merorial on Tower Hill is one of his finest War Memorials. His knowledge of the City and its buildings, particularly the Wren Churches and St Paul's Cathedral reflected in buildings as diverse as The British School in Rome and the Viceroy's Study in New Delhi. After his death his ashes were interred in the crypt of St Paul's Cathedral. 

Mervyn Miller originally gave a version of this lecture at the RIBA in 2013 at which time he was the Master of the Worshipful Company of Architects.

Members of 20th Century Society and the Lutyens Trust £8.00, Non Members £10.00, Students £5.00. To include a glass of wine.

CES Credits: 1.5 credits.

Booking information here

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