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20th C Society: Elain Harwood: Byker and other work by Ralph Erskine

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20th C Society: Elain Harwood: Byker and other work by Ralph Erskine

  • The Gallery 70 Cowcross Road EC1M 6EJ (map)

20th Century Society present a lecture on: Elain Harwood: Byker and other work by Ralph Erskine

Ralph Erskine was born and educated in Britain, but remained in Sweden at  the outbreak of war in 1939 and established a thriving practice before  receiving some major commissions in Britain from the mid 1960s onwards.  Elain Harwood interviewed Erskine in his last years and will put his most  famous English job, the Byker Esate in Newcastle, in context with some lesser  known work.

Members £8, Non-Members £10, students £5, including a glass of wine.

CES Credits: 1.5

Booking information here