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20th C Society: Herman van Berkeijk: Holland House, Bury Street by H. P. Berlage

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20th C Society: Herman van Berkeijk: Holland House, Bury Street by H. P. Berlage

  • The Gallery 70 Cowcross Road EC1M 6EJ UK (map)

The 20th Century Society present a lecture on: Herman van Berkeijk: Holland House, Bury Street by H. P. Berlage

In 1916, in what was then a narrow street in the City, a novel building for a  Dutch shipping company was completed to designs by the major Dutch  architect, H. P. Berlage, and then largely ignored for 50 years. Herman van  Berkeijk of the Technical University of Delft will explore the background to  the commission and its place in Berlage’s career.

The Gallery, 70 Cowcross Street, EC1M 6EJ, at 6.30pm.

Members £8, Non-Members £10, students £5, including a glass of wine. 

CES Credits: 1.5

Booking Information here