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Fiona Mckay

The AIA UK board of directors is excited to announce specialist construction law firm, Beale & Company, as a new chapter sponsor!  With offices in London, Bristol, Dublin and Dubai, they have a long history of acting for consultants and architects, both in the UK and abroad.

A new benefit for AIA UK members and a key part of their sponsorship, Beale & Company is providing a free legal helpline to members!  This entitles chapter members to a free 20 minute consultation per month (although there is some flexibility here!) to cover typical issues faced by members, including those arising from appointments, collateral warranties, novation, health and safety and so on.  To access the Helpline, simply call +44 (0) 20 7469 0400 (please quote “AIA UK Helpline”).  Further details of the Legal Helpline can be found here.

Beale & Company will continue to present various legal lectures throughout the year, dealing with a range of ‘hot topics’ of interest to architects.  To date, Beale & Company have hosted three legal lectures for the chapter and one webinar.  These have been very popular and we look forward to continuing our “Legal Lecture” series later in the year.  If you have any suggestions for lecture topics, please let us know at

Please join us in welcoming Beale & Company to the AIA UK!

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