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Fiona Mckay

LAUFEN, the premium brand under the ROCA umbrella, is one of the world's leading manufacturers of bathroom fittings with a global distribution network.

The company's core competence is its knowledge in the area of sanitary ware manufacturing.  For over 120 years, the LAUFEN brand has been using the oldest malleable material known to man to make innovative sanitary products in state-of-the-art plants with legendary Swiss precision.  

Knowledge of the bathroom as a whole developed from the competence of LAUFEN in ceramics manufacturing, and sophisticated design.  What makes LAUFEN products unique at the first glance is that their Swiss design unites two major design trends: emotional Italian design from the south and the northern tradition of design precision and clarity.

Although exquisite craftsmanship has always been a trademark of LAUFEN products, a great deal of thought goes into their design too.  For several decades now, LAUFEN has had positive experience of the successful collaboration with outstanding architects and designers.  In the development of new bathroom suite concepts, the expectations of the designer are met by the experience and precision of modellers, product developers and engineers.

The result: a highly functional and aesthetic product range.  From ceramic sanitary ware, through to faucets, bathroom furniture and mirrors, to shower trays, bathtubs and whirl systems - in all price categories.  At the same time, we use our knowledge and experience to achieve a high degree of individuality, in line with the wishes of our customers.  As well as additional colours, surface finishes and motifs, made-to-measure washbasins that can be cut to the required size are possible, also with short delivery times.

The aesthetically-appealing design and high compositional quality of LAUFEN products have won over many international judges and independent organisations, with awards being won by individual products, whole product ranges and even innovative materials and showrooms.

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