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Fiona Mckay

The Desso Group focuses primarily on superior floor design and Cradle to Cradle® in providing high quality carpet tiles and broadloom.  Its commercial product offering, business carpets, represents more than half of total sales and can be found in offices, banks, retail units, public buildings, schools, universities and care centres.

Desso's innovation strategy is concentrated in 3 key areas: Creativity, Functionality and Cradle to Cradle®. For Desso, creativity is synonymous with CARPETECTURE®, which is a powerful example of Desso's commitment to creative carpet design and its dedication to meet the needs of architects, interior designers, building owners and end users.  In the field of functionality, Desso develops pioneering solutions that make a difference for health and wellbeing.  As a result of this innovation and creativity strategy, Desso has launched a number of patented products like DESSO AirMaster®, for 8 times lower fine-dust concentration in the air (versus hard floors), and DESSO EcoBase®, which enabled Desso to achieve a Cradle to Cradle® silver certificate for an entire carpet tile product.

Desso's creative carpet design and service oriented approach has enabled Desso to become a leader in developing solutions for the Hospitality, Marine and Aviation (HMA) markets. Desso's HMA division works with companies such as Hilton, Intercontinental, Maritime, KLM, China Airlines, Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines and Holland America Line.

Desso Sports is a leading player in the provision of artificial turf for sports fields and hybrid natural grass systems that provide the perfect playing surface at every level of sport. DESSO GrassMaster® is a high-tech hybrid sports field of 100% natural grass reinforced with Desso synthetic grass fibres, which has been installed in two Euro 2012 stadiums and at the 'football temple' Wembley.

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