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Movie Night - Citizen Jane

Fiona Mckay

Our final movie screening for the Autumn 2018 was 'Citizen Jane - Battle For The City.'

This is a documentary about writer and urban activist Jane Jacobs, and her fight to save historic New York City during the ruthless redevelopment era of urban planner Robert Moses in the 1960s. Jacobs work was mentioned briefly in our October screening of ‘Urbanised’, so it was fitting to get an in-depth view of Jacobs’ work. Jacobs insisted that with skyscrapers come slums, emphasising the city as a community of people rather than a collection of buildings. Her activism resonates loudly in our present time, as grassroots movements rise up to resist power-based bullying and autocratic authority.

This documentary was very well received, with many of the issues Jacobs campaigned against, resonating with the audience. Sadly these issues have not gone away, and there were many examples raised, which are occurring in cities around the World.

This documentary was a good ending piece to the 2018 Movie series. Many thanks to all who have attended throughout the year, and we look forward to welcoming you all back to the BFI on Wednesday 13 February 2019, for the start of our 2019 Series.

Chris Musangi, AIA

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