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Call for Nominations for 2020 AIA UK Board of Directors

Fiona Mckay


If you are interested in getting involved with the AIA UK Chapter, please consider nominating yourself for a position on the 2020 board of directors.

You are welcome to make nominations for the board of directors and the four officer positions. The officer positions are ideally held by US licensed architects, but we will accept foreign licensed architects for nominations as well.  

The only requirement for a board of director’s position is enthusiasm and a willingness to help with events and other chapter activities throughout the year.  Attendance at the monthly board meetings is required by teleconference or in person. For those living outside of London, funds are available to help with the cost of travel to board meetings.

If you would like to nominate yourself or find out more about the board, please contact Michael Lischer, FAIA at

Nominations are due by 31st December.


The "requirements" for AIA UK board membership are fairly relaxed. The AIA UK is run by volunteers and all of our events are organized by volunteers. Board members generally help with events and/or get involved in some aspect of chapter management. Positions include newsletter editor, continuing education coordinator, emerging professionals coordination, and events organization.  

We have a very active chapter and there are usually a couple of events each month that need to be organized. We have four "major" events each year that we organize. These are the Design Awards, Summer Gala, Student Design Charrette, and Keynote Speaker.

New board members would not be expected to run events on their own but to help out with various chapter activities and attend monthly board meetings.  

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