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Keynote Lecture

Fiona Mckay


The 2020 Keynote lecture on November 3rd featured Berlin-based Francis Kéré.  The event was a partnership of the AIA UK and the RIBA.  Originally scheduled to be a live event at the RIBA HQ, the pandemic forced the event to be virtual.  AIA National President Jane Frederick and RIBA President Alan Jones both gave introductory comments.

Kéré is best known in the UK for his 2017 Serpentine Pavilion, the pavilions at the 2019 Coachella music festival in California, and the Tippet Rise Art Center in Montana, all of which he presented.  Less well known, and perhaps more interesting, is the work he has done in his native Burkina Faso which includes several schools, a health centre, and low-density housing.

Kéré’s work in Burkina Faso adapts indigenous materials and construction techniques creatively and innovatively.  Several projects use clay bricks made on the construction site.  The resulting buildings are also well-tuned to the environmental conditions and operate without energy-intensive M&E systems.

AIA UK President Chris Musangi moderated a lively Q&A session and brought the evening to a reluctant close.  One couldn’t help but be inspired as an architect after watching Kéré’s presentation.

The event was sponsored in part by the Iris Ceramica Group.

Written by: Lester Korzilius; FAIA, RIBA

Francis Kere Keynote.png
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