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Continuing Ed Programme off to a Running Start!

Fiona Mckay


The AIA UK’s programme of educational, technical, and building tours is off to a great start.  Already by the first week of February the Chapter hosted or participated in:

  • Two legal seminars hosted by Chapter sponsor Beale & Co.

  • A technical lecture exploring the future of sustainable bathroom design by Chapter sponsor Roca.

  • The Chapter’s annual general meeting.

  • And a building tour of the AIA UK Design Award winning Zayed Centre of Research by Stanton Williams.

Attendance at these events would have earned you 5 Learning Units towards the 18 LUs required each year.  All of these events were virtual meaning you didn’t even have to leave your home to attend!

More great programmes are being planned including building tours on the 11th of February and the 11th of March.  Check the Chapter website for registration details.  The board is also working on plans for a “Super Saturday” learning event this summer and events for our Emerging Professions working towards obtaining their licenses.

In spite of the current lockdown, 2021 is shaping up to be a bumper year for earning your Learning Units!

Witten by: Michael Lischer

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