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65% by 2030 / ZERO by 2040: Top 200 Global Firms and Organizations Lead With 1.5°C Climate Actions


65% by 2030 / ZERO by 2040: Top 200 Global Firms and Organizations Lead With 1.5°C Climate Actions

Fiona Mckay

Panel Discussion from COP26 with Peter Exley, AIA President

Construction industry leaders, including AIA President, Peter Exley, show how it is possible for us to meet the 1.5°C carbon budget. They are drawn from the top firms and organisations signed up to the COP26 Communiqué, of which AIA UK is proud to be a founding signatory. Watch the panel discussion from COP26 here!


By showing what's possible, we’ll embolden governments to do the same. The top 200 firms responsible for a significant portion of construction worldwide present the bold actions they are taking to decarbonize the built world in order to meet the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C carbon budget.

Speakers are a select group of dynamic senior leaders from the signatories of the COP26 Communiqué. The signatories include the largest firms and organizations in the architecture/engineering/planning sector from around the world; the sector is acting on the urgency of the climate crisis.

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