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Nanoparticles Used to Advance Ceramic Tile Technology!

Fiona Mckay

Considering ceramic tiles have been utilized for millennia, you would think there is little room to make advances in the technology.  You would be wrong!  AIA UK members attended a fascinating lecture on a new technology utilized by the ceramic tile industry.  The event took place on the 14th of October at Chapter sponsor, Iris Ceramica’s London Showroom.

Iris Ceramica developed and patented a technology that can be applied to most ceramic tiles.  Nanoparticles of titanium dioxide are combined with silver and fired onto the surface of already manufactured ceramic tiles.  This new line of tile is called ACTIVE SURFACES™.  But why go to the trouble you might ask?  Well, ACTIVE SURFACES™ exploits the photocatalytic properties of titanium dioxide and silver transforming the ceramic porcelain into an eco-active material with high end properties that are, antibacterial and antiviral, anti-pollution, self-cleaning, and anti-odour!

Considering the pandemic, the antibacterial and antiviral properties are particularly valuable.  The silver content in ACTIVE SURFACES™ kills germs within seconds in a constant and everlasting manner.  Another amazing property of ACTIVE SURFACES™ is its self-cleaning properties.  This is particularly useful in public buildings where graffiti can be a problem.  Realtime examples were presented to the attendees where dye was place on the tile and within 30 minutes it had faded!  

After the lecture attendees were treated to a social hour featuring Italian food, wine and beer!  To learn more about ACTIVE SURFACES™ and Iris Ceramica’s extensive line of quite extraordinary ceramic porcelain tiles, take a look at  You are also, always welcome at their London showroom at 61-67 Old Street.

Chapter member Gregory Fonseca, AIA, (left) discusses tile with Giacomo Bertoni, Iris Ceramica’s UK Specification and Key Account Manager. 

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