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2021 Annual General Meeting – 27 Jan 2021

Fiona Mckay

Denied an opportunity to test out Herman Miller chairs by social distancing rules, the Chapter Membership attended the AGM from the comfort of their homes.  Image Credit – Herman Miller, with kind permission. 

Denied an opportunity to test out Herman Miller chairs by social distancing rules, the Chapter Membership attended the AGM from the comfort of their homes.  Image Credit – Herman Miller, with kind permission. 

When it became obvious in November that this year’s Annual General Meeting was highly likely to be yet another virtual event, the AIA UK Chapter Board were loath to break the long tradition – nigh on 25 years – of holding it in the London showroom of our long-term sponsor, Herman Miller. 

But Herman Miller rose to the challenge and volunteered to provide sustenance in a well thought out Zoom lecture entitled ‘Fundamental Human Needs at Work’, given by HM’s Insight Director for Europe, the Middle East and Africa, Mark Catchlove

Instead of looking at the specialist needs of various professions or societies, he concentrated on those requirements deemed to be universal.  Based on 80 years of research on what motivates people, it has been determined that a quality work experience must provide the worker with a sense of the following:

  • Achievement – Workplace challenges can be as important as bonuses.

  • Security – Including not only physical but emotional support.

  • Purpose – Everyone wants to make a meaningful difference.

  • Status – Recognition – even a simple ‘thank you’ - can showcase success.

  • Belonging – We are neurologically wired to seek positive social experiences.

  • Autonomy – Freedom for one’s own actions and decisions.

Obviously there would be a range of emphasis to cover different circumstances, but it seems that ‘Purpose’ and ‘Belonging’ are the two highest ranking needs in our own society.

Mark’s presentation was followed by a virtual tour of Herman Miller’s recently renovated showrooms given by Tim Wykeham, Director, Global Branded Environments, zooming in all the way from the US.  As ever, the presentations were both entertaining and instructive – and earned attendees 1.0 Continuing Education credits.  If you missed the night’s presentation, you could check it out HERE or access other Insight Group research HERE.

Preview of new Herman Miller showrooms, Kingsway, London.  Image Credit – Herman Miller, with kind permission. 

Preview of new Herman Miller showrooms, Kingsway, London.  Image Credit – Herman Miller, with kind permission. 

Following the educational presentations, the formal part of the AGM dealt with approval of the 2020 Accounts and the election of the 2021 Board of Directors and Officers. Additionally, the 2020 President, Chris Musangi, AIA, gave an overview presentation of the past year and the 2021 President, Katharine Storr AIA, gave a preview of plans for 2021. The Year End Presentation can be viewed in full HERE.

Written by: Lorraine King AIA, Secretary, AIA UK Chapter

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