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AIA International Region hosts first virtual conference, 2020 “Catalyzing Change

Fiona Mckay


In 2020, the AIA International Region, like many professional organisations during the Covid-19 pandemic, was faced with the tough task of hosting the annual conference, originally set to take place in Dubai, in a virtual context. Undaunted, the conference committee of over 25 representatives from across the globe put forth an immense collaborative effort that led to the inaugural AIA International Region Virtual Conference. 

The 2020 Conference theme, “Catalyzing Change”, embraced a critical tipping point formed by the intersection of crises in climate action, social justice and health & well being, the threshold of which was swiftly spreading across the globe. Over 2,500 registrants gathered virtually to imagine, debate and celebrate how architecture can be at the forefront of meaningful change that responds to contemporary challenges. 

This 5-day round-the-clock virtual conference spanned the globe, with 60 hours of lectures, panel discussions, building tours and more, all underscored by the AIA’s Framework for Design Excellence. Conference sessions were hosted by the 7 IR Chapters in Canada, Europe, Hong Kong, Japan, the Middle East, Shanghai, and the United Kingdom, as well as contributions from Country Representatives and volunteers from Argentina, Beijing, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Singapore, and Sri Lanka.

Among the many highlights of the conference were: a poignant conversation between Pritzker Prize-winner Balkrishna Doshi, Hon. FAIA, Sam Oboh, FAIA, and IR President, Lester Korzilius, FAIA; a five-part Women in Architecture and Design series featuring phenomenal speakers including Jeanne Gang, FAIA, Jane Duncan, Hon. FAIA, and Yasmeen Lari and Keynote lectures by Francis Kere, Moshie Safdie, FAIA, Eames Demetrios, and Josef Hargrave.

The UK Chapter, led by three board members, contributed meaningfully to the conference program.  Matthew Heitel hosted Stanislas Chaillou of Spacemaker, Sebastian Andraos of HAL Robotics and Caitlin Mueller of MIT, to discuss the intersection of technology and architecture. Diana Yu, AIA UK’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Chair, led an insightful conversation on grassroots initiatives, with a panel that included Tara Gbolade (Gbolade Design Studio), Cristina Lanz Azcarate (Atelier EURA), and Tayseer Kardash (Studio B.A.D Architects). And Alex Miller, AIA, moderated a panel with Gary Clark (HOK), Dr. Julie Godefroy (CIBSE) and Alex Widdison (AKT II) on net zero carbon strategies in the UK.

The Conference remains available for free on-demand viewing via the International Region website; AIA members can take quizzes that accompany each event to gain Continuing Education credits. 

Following the success of the 2020 Virtual Conference, the International Region will host a Virtual Mini-Conference this spring, with the hopes of gathering in person autumn at the Dubai World Expo 2021.

Written by: Amrita Raja

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