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MEMBER NEWS / Architects at the Art Biennale?


MEMBER NEWS / Architects at the Art Biennale?

Fiona Mckay

Image Credit: Elizabeth Casqueiro

The LONDON ART BIENNALE – claiming ‘artistic excellence from all over the world’ - took place from 30th June to the 4th of July 2021 at the Chelsea Old Town Hall on the King’s Road.  Not sure how many artists displaying are also architects, but there was at least one – our AIA UK Past President (2003), Elizabeth Casqueiro, AIA.  

Unfortunately, Elizabeth could not attend in person from Washington, DC, due to Covid travel difficulties, so the Chapter was represented instead by Lester Korzilius and Lorraine King, both past Chapter Presidents who know Elizabeth well.  And, Lester at least is both an architect and an artist.

The ornate interior of Chelsea Town Hall was largely camouflaged by the proliferation of art – art on the walls, art on stands, art in the sub rooms, art in the corridor… But Elizabeth’s work was easily identifiable by its unusual tall shape AND its overall quality. Read more about here successful, post architectural career HERE.

Written by: Lorraine King, AIA 
This note has been written as part of the AIA Newsletter’s commitment to member news. If you are aware of UK Chapter members’ involvement in newsworthy projects, research or events, please bring them to our attention via and we will publish the story. We will not know what has been achieved unless someone tells us!

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