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AIAUK 2021 Excellence in Design Awards

Fiona Mckay

The AIAUK’s Excellence in Design Awards were held virtually on the 30th of June, thanks to our generous sponsor Portview.  Despite the complex year we’ve all experienced, it was encouraging to see so many high-quality entries.  It is true testament to the enduring nature of our profession.  The awards were judged based on their design achievements, design intentions, distinguishing aspects of the design resolution, and sustainability, which focussed on the AIA Ten Measures of Design Excellence.

Our thanks go out to our jury panel, which included:

  • Katharine Storr, AIA UK President

  • Jane Duncan OBE, Architect, Jane Duncan Architects + Interiors

  • Wesam Al Asali, Architect and Researcher, University of Cambridge and IWlab

  • Kiru Balson, Senior Sustainability Consultant, Max Fordham

  • Hattie Hartman, Editor and Qualified Architect, Architects Journal

  • Mouzhan Majidi, FAIA, RIBA, Architect, Chief Executive at Zaha Hadid Architects

  • Paul Scullion, Director at Portview

The 2021 awards were chosen from three overarching categories: Professional, Emerging Practice and Sustainability.  Within these categories the jurors chose winners across a diverse range of scales and sectors.

The Winners

A huge congratulations to our winners and special commendations.  The full video of the night’s winners can be found here.


Winner: Red Hill Barn, TYPE Studio

Photo Credit: Rory Gardiner

Photo Credit: Rory Gardiner


Small Projects – Winner:Quarry Studio, Moxon Architects

Photo Credit: Tim Soar

Photo Credit: Tim Soar

Small Projects - Special Commendation: Freeholders, Mole Architects

Photo Credit: Nick Guttridge

Photo Credit: Nick Guttridge

Medium Projects – Winner: Magdalene College Library, Niall McLaughlin Architects

Photo Credit: Nick Cane

Photo Credit: Nick Cane

Medium Projects - Special Commendation: ESTEAM Centre, Somerset College, Walters & Cohen Architects with 2AD Space Architects

Photo Credit: Somerset College André Engelbrecht

Photo Credit: Somerset College André Engelbrecht

Large Projects – Winner: 100 Liverpool Street, Hopkins Architects

Photo Credit: Charles Hosea

Photo Credit: Charles Hosea


Winner:1 Finsbury Avenue, Allford Hall Monaghan Morris

Photo Credit: Timothy Soar

Photo Credit: Timothy Soar

Written by Anna Foden, Assoc. AIA

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