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Congratulations to Lester Korzilius, FAIA!

Fiona Mckay

AIA UK member Lester Korzilius, FAIA has been selected by the AIA International board of directors to represent AIA International on the AIA Strategic Council.  The appointment is for 3 three years beginning in 2022.

Formed in 2015, the Strategic Council advances the architecture profession by informing the AIA National Board and other Institute bodies about important professional issues, opportunities, and threats.  The Council focuses on long-term goals and outcomes of AIA’s work rather than the administrative or programmatic efforts that achieve those goals.

Lester was recently the 2020-2021 President of AIA International (formerly the AIA International Region), Vice-President from 2018-2019, and Secretary from 2015-2016.   He was a Secretary of AIA Continental Europe from 2012-2013.  He is a long-serving member of the AIA UK board and was the AIA UK President in 2001 and 2003.

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