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Movie Night - Shelter Without Shelter

Fiona Mckay

Our Movie Night Series were adversely affected by the Cinema closures in 2021, but luckily we were able to return to the BFI for a screening of “Shelter Without Shelter” in the Autumn. This is a Movie directed by one of our board members, Dr. Mark Breeze, AIA.

SHELTER WITHOUT SHELTER explores the hopes and challenges involved in providing temporary housing for refugees. Filmed over three years since 2015, this six-part documentary investigates how forced migrants from Syria were sheltered across Europe and the Middle East, ending up in mega-camps, city squats, occupied airports, illegal settlements, requisitioned buildings, flat-pack structures, and enormous architect-designed reception centres. Containing perspectives from the humanitarians who created these shelters as well as the critics who campaigned against them, the documentary reveals the complex dilemmas involved in attempts to house refugees in emergency conditions. Based on innovative new research at the University of Oxford’s Refugee Studies Centre, SHELTER WITHOUT SHELTER offers new insights into a universal human experience. We all need shelter, but what is it?

The love for these AIA movie screenings, and longing to be back in the cinema, was evident by this highly subscribed movie. Director and AIA Board Member was able to lead our liveliest and longest post-movie Q&A session to date.

Thank you to all those who attended this screening and made it a huge success! Please join us on Tuesday 08 February 2022 for our first screening of this year, The New Bauhaus - The life and Legacy of Moholy Nagy.

Written by: Chris Musangi AIA

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