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4 - AIA International LONDON 2022 - International Design Awards

Fiona Mckay

Valle San Nicolás Clubhouse, Honor Award for Architecture.  Photo Credit: © Sordo Madaleno Arquitectos, photo by Rafael Gamo

Evening Venue – Storey@100 Liverpool Street

Photo credit: B Hamilton (AIA UK)

After Day 2 spent at King’s Cross and Camden, the London 2022 Conference attendees transferred to the City for a special evening devoted to design excellence courtesy of AIA International. 

The Elizabeth Line – the not quite tube, not quite train line that opened in late May 2022 – formed a convenient link across London to 100 Liverpool Street, designed by Hopkins Architects.  

Given the night’s pouring rain, the new shopping centre’s dedicated, covered entrance to the Line was particularly welcoming, while the spectacular street atrium was overwhelming – a fitting backdrop for Storey’s hospitality.

Presentation – ‘AIA International Design Awards’ / Christine Bruckner, Steven Miller 

The Conference was delighted to welcome attendees and invited guests to the ninth annual AIA International Design Awards. The awards recognised outstanding projects in multiple categories - Architecture, Interior Architecture, Urban Design and Unbuilt. Winners were eligible for further recognition for combining exceptional design with sustainability, in the form of the Sustainable Future Award.  A new Inclusive Design Excellence Award to honour projects which excelled in this important area was also introduced.  

Photo credits: Bojidar Dimitrov 

The presentations were made by Design Awards Chair, Christian Bruckner (AIA I), seen above with the current AIA I President, Scott Gold, and Steven Miller (AIA I) among others.  

Please refer to the AIA International website for the full details of the winning projects HERE. A running Slideshow of the event can be found HERE.

Honor Awards for Architecture | Open International

  • Valle San Nicolás Clubhouse, Javier Sordo Madaleno Bringas, Hon. FAIA; Mexico

  • The World Internet Conference Center, Philip F. Yuan, Intl. Assoc. AIA; China

Merit Awards for Architecture | Open International

  • In Bamboo, Philip F. Yuan, Intl. Assoc. AIA; Chongzhou, China

  • Churchill Meadows Community Centre, Ted Watson, Intl. Assoc. AIA; Canada

  • Planar House, Marcio Kogan, Hon. FAIA; São Paulo, Brazil 

  • Yangliping Performing Arts Center, Pei Zhu, Intl. Assoc. AIA; Dali, China

  • Micasa Vol. C, Marcio Kogan, Hon. FAIA; São Paulo, Brazil

Commendations for Architecture | Open International

  • Shenzhen Rural Commercial Bank Headquarters, SOM; Shenzhen, China

  • Rejuvenation of Shajing Ancient Fair, Han Jing & Zhang Yuxing, Intl. Assoc. AIA, China

  • Forest Tower, Jacob Spruit III, AIA; Rønnede, Denmark

  • Shajing Village Hall, Han Jing & Zhang Yuxing, Intl. Assoc. AIA; Shenzhen, China

Honor Award for Interior Architecture

  • Dyson Global HQ , M Moser Associates; Singapore

Merit Award for Interior Architecture

  • Banu Restaurant, Letty Lau, AIA; Zhengzhou, China

  • China Resources Archive Library, Letty Lau, AIA; Zhengzhou, China

Commendation for Interior Architecture 

  • Oksu Elementary School Library, In Situ Architecture; Seoul, South Korea

Honor Award for Urban Design 

  • Hsinchu East Gate Plaza Revitalization, Wen-Chieh Chiu, Intl. Assoc. AIA; Taiwan

Merit Award for Urban Design 

  • Along the Ganges: Patna Riverfront Revitalization, Nishant Lall, Assoc. AIA; India

Honor Award for Unbuilt

  • Preservation of a Tulou in Nanjing County, Zhixi Ouyang, Intl. Assoc. AIA; China

Commendation for Unbuilt 

  • The Old Dam Foundation Post Station, Wei He, Assoc. AIA; Hangzhou, China

  • Aojiang Community Cultural Center, Ping Jiang, AIA; Wenzhou, China

Firm Award

  • Atelier Ping Jiang @ EID Architecture

Although there was not a UK winner for 2022, CSK Architects with Bartlett UCL were able to collect their 2020 awards for Cork House –  the Sustainable Future Award and an Honor Award for Open International | Architecture.  

Qualifying UK architects should be on the lookout for the next International Design Awards Call for Entries in Summer 2023. 

Photo credit: Bojidar Dimitrov 

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