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6 - AIA International LONDON 2022 - Saturday Night on the Dixie Queen

Fiona Mckay

Photo credit: A Arditti (AIA I)

Talk – ‘Architecture & the River Thames’, Benedict O’Looney, Founder BENEDICT O’LOONEY ARCHITECTS 

At International Conferences, it has been a long standing tradition that Saturday night is reserved for a PARTY.  Aboard the river boat Dixie Queen, the London riverfront skyline and BENEDICT O’LOONEY’s commentary – including highlights of American influences - offered a gentle background to a gigantic architectural get together. 

View the video below, ‘Under the Bridge,’ captured by Laura Petruso (AIA UK) as the AIA and guests start their nighttime journey.

However, few attendees were aware of how close the Dixie Queen came to being trapped downriver of Tower Bridge when an accident closed the bridge. Pierre Baillargeon (AIA UK) would have it that Michael Lischer (AIA UK) and his wife, Sue, magically raised the bridge, rescued the boat, and steered it pier-wise ‘with Titanic theme music in the background - stirring our hearts towards the brave lovers’. Thankfully, the police had just cleared the accident in time for a slightly delayed departure.

Photo Credits: B Hamilton, AIA, and R McMahon (AIA UK guest)

AIA I President, Scott Gold  – enjoying the cheerful ambiance and crowded decks – remarked that such a gathering should dispel any critics who queried the existence or value of the international chapters.  

Look at all these people,’ he said, while looking at the audience at large, ‘you are getting THEM’. To prove his point that there was – collectively - a distinguished group, he then introduced a few of  the International FAIA participants from around the world (from left to right): 

  • Tom Vonier, FAIA, RIBA, Past President of the AIA

  • Jane Duncan, OBE, RIBA, Hon. FAIA

  • Nela De Zoysa, Hon FAIA, AIA International Country Representative to Sri Lanka

  • Jose Luis Salinas, Hon. FAIA, AIA International Treasurer

  • George Kunihiro, FAIA, FJIA, AIA International Representative to the Council of Fellows

  • Ishtiaque Zahir, Hon. FAIA, UIA Vice President for Region IV (Asia & Oceania)

Photo credits: Bojidar Dimitrov

Continuing a theme of ‘Friendship of English Speaking Peoples’, invitations to the Gala Dinner included a range of other distinguished guests and friends of the AIA - AIA UK Design Award Winners; many additional FAIA and Hon FAIA members; RIBA representatives; Conference speakers; and – of course – partners of AIA members. In total, over 160 guests were registered.

The relaxed atmosphere of the boat trip encouraged international exchanges of architectural goodwill with all benefiting from AIA hospitality.  

The newly named RIBA President Elect, Muyiwa Oki, and AIA UK President, Anna Foden discussed plans for future AIA/RIBA collaboration at the annual Keynote Lecture in November.  

Please find more Boat Trip PARTY photos HERE.  If you attended, you are more than likely to be included…

Photo credit: L Petruso (AIA UK)

Written by: Lorraine D King, AIA (aka

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