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Fiona Mckay

The AIA UK Emerging Professionals held a drop-in study session for ARE candidates in London at the Howe Showroom near Old Street on 10 Nov 2022. It was a casual event attended by a new generation of UK-based NCARB candidates.

The session focused on exchanging ARE knowledge and going through some sample questions prepared based on the ARE 5.0 Reference Matrix. The Reference Matrix is a list of publications which are used to directly inform exam questions. According to incumbent EP Committee Chair Paolo Mendoza, one of the objectives for AIA UK EP for 2023 is to provide regular ARE Study Sessions based on individual exam Divisions. Another objective is to lean in on the expansion of online ARE Study Resources to make them more accessible. This project will be continued by 2022 EP Committee Chair Adelina Koleva.

If you are currently preparing for the ARE Exams while in the UK, please consider attending AIA UK EP events for more insights and information as well as to provide us with feedback. We are currently developing our resources and are always looking for volunteers to help us improve. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with

Written by Adelina Koleva, AIA 

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