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25 JAN 22 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING / Starting with People

Fiona Mckay

The AIA UK’s Annual General Meetings is not only a long held tradition, but also a mandated requirement from our Bylaws.  Refusing to be overwhelmed by governance issues, the Chapter also celebrates its obligations by surrounding the BUSINESS MEETING with a welcoming PARTY and an enjoyable, credit earning TALK. 


Herman Miller has sponsored our AGMs from our beginnings in the early 1990s.  Now - after its merger with Knoll – the parent company MillerKnoll continues its association with the AIA as it represents an impressive array of new products. It is a company that takes the workplace seriously and willingly shares its expertise and extensive research through the ‘Designing a Better Tomorrow’ special talk.

MARK CATCHLOVE – leader of Herman Miller’s Insight Group – started his talk with a short survey of the audience, asking each of us in turn what we would rather be doing with our time.  While no one expected any members to reply, ‘sitting at my desk working’, the responses were surprising.  

Only two members admitted enjoying above all else ‘D&A/A&D’ – that is, design and architecture - but who would have predicted an intense interest in poetry, knitting or basketball?  Or fantasy?  

Catchlove’s simple stratagem quickly proved his point; we may all identify with being architects, but – despite this common denominator – individuals are much more than their profession or their job title.  And that leads directly to the talk’s topic of note: How can workplace design better reflect the requirements of individuals and entice workers back to the office? 

Catchlove stressed the importance of ‘in person contact’.  Working from home can be great for many, but an absolute nightmare for others.  Although strong work ties can be maintained without contact by those already possessing strong ties, weak ties will weaken.  70% of people with low social connection are more likely to feel ‘burnt out’, whereas energy could be increased from contact with others. 

As architects, we all are aware of the importance of place and can easily understand that 80% of people surveyed by the Insight Group want ‘flexibility in WHERE they work’.  It is harder for some designers and managers to appreciate that 94% of people also want ‘flexibility of WHEN they work’. 

Catchlove’s advises a 4 part approach to designing flexible places that stresses the importance of starting with people not with spaces:

  • Places that matter are based on an understanding of how people perceive the world;

  • Places that matter strengthen communities by facilitating activities that bring people together; 

  • Places that matter feel inclusive and personal based on the unique culture of the people who use them;

  • Places that matter get better over time; they are adapted and changed based on people feedback. 

If you are interested in workspace design, more Herman Miller Insight Group research and presentations can be found HERE.


Following Catchlove’s talk, the 2022 President, Anna Foden Assoc AIA, gave an overview presentation of the past year and the 2023 President, Gregory Fonseca AIA, gave a preview of his plans for 2023.  The Year End Presentations can be viewed in full HERE.

The formal part of the AGM dealt with the election of the 2023 Board of Directors and Officers and a review of the 2023 Accounts.  AIA Chapter Members will receive full Minutes of the AGM for review and approval in a separate Announcement.  

Written by: Lorraine King AIA

Photo Credits: C Fiallos, E Fitzpatrick, K Storr, L King

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