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Fiona Mckay

Architect registration board executives from the UK (left) and US (right) gather following the official signing of the agreement. From left to right: Emma Matthews (ARB), Hugh Simpson (CEO ARB), Alan Kershaw (Chair ARB), Bayliss Ward (President NCARB), Michael J. Armstrong (CEO NCARB), Harry Falconer, Jr. (NCARB), and Patricia Ramallo (NCARB). Photo by Adelina Koleva, AIA.

This article is part of an ongoing story; please refer to NCARB and ARB for the latest information.

On Thursday 16 February 2023, the landmark UK-US architect Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) between the UK Architects Registration Board (ARB) and the US National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB) was officially signed in London at the Old Admiralty Building Churchill Room. This transformative agreement will enable UK and US architects to practice internationally and benefit from shared knowledge and expertise. 

AIA National President Emily Grandstaff-Rice, FAIA travelled from Washington, D.C. to attend the signing. From AIA UK, President Gregory Fonseca, AIA and Secretary Adelina Koleva, AIA were also present along with colleagues from the ARB, NCARB, RIBA, and government representatives from both the US and UK.

US architecture representatives pose with 2023 AIA UK President Gregory Fonseca. Pictured from left to right: Bayliss Ward (President NCARB), Michael J. Armstrong (CEO NCARB), Harry Falconer, Jr. (NCARB), Patricia Ramallo (NCARB), and Gregory Fonseca (AIA UK). Photo by Adelina Koleva, AIA.

In a request for comment, AIA UK President Gregory Fonseca has made the following statement:

The basis for the agreement is an acknowledgement of equivalency between the standards and qualifications set forth by ARB and NCARB. Such acknowledgement has grown from a longstanding relationship and shared esteem between US and UK architects, who regard one other as global leaders in architecture and design. The new MRA will therefore enable eligible architects in one country to register in the other, while still upholding the expected standards of practice that protect the public in all participating territories.

The signing of the agreement triggers the 60-day window for implementation. Starting on 25 April 2023, eligible MRA candidates will be able to benefit from a streamlined registration process that aims to reduce previously required costs and examinations. To that effect, ARB is launching a new UK Adaptation Assessment for US applicants applying through MRA routes. The assessment will be available those holding an NCARB Certificate holders who went through the Standard Path to registration (a process which typically refers to graduating NAAB-accredited professional degree programme, passing all required ARE divisions, and completing the AXP experience hours).

In the accompanying ARB press release, NCARB CEO Michael J. Armstrong and ARB CEO Hugh Simpson have been quoted with the following statements:

Michael J. Armstrong (CEO NCARB, pictured far right) discusses material of importance as Emma Matthews (ARB, pictured far left) leans in to listen. Meanwhile, Bayliss Ward (President NCARB, centre right) and Hugh Simpson (CEO ARB, centre left) contribute their signatures to the two copies of the MRA document as Alan Kershaw (Chair ARB, centre) looks on.  Photo by Adelina Koleva, AIA

The MRA agreement is the first of its kind since preceding legislation was dissolved in the 1990s and represents new approach to registering international architects in the UK.

The AIA UK Chapter would like to congratulate and thank all involved in this initiative!

Written by Adelina Koleva, AIA

MRA Signing: Official Attendees

US Embassy

  • Rosemary Gallant (Minister Counsellor for Commercial Affairs - US Embassy)


  • Michael J. Armstrong (CEO NCARB)

  • Bayliss Ward (President NCARB)

  • Patricia Ramallo (NCARB)

  • Harry Falconer, Jr. (NCARB)


  • Emily Grandstaff-Rice (President AIA National)

  • Gregory Fonseca (AIA UK Chapter President)

  • Adelina Koleva (AIA UK Chapter Secretary) 

UK Department for Business & Trade (DBT)

  • Gareth Davies CB (Permanent Secretary - UK Department for Business & Trade)


  • Hugh Simpson (CEO ARB)

  • Alan Kershaw (Chair ARB)

  • Emma Matthews (ARB)

  • Rob Wilson (ARB)

  • Rebecca Roberts-Hughes (ARB)


  • Dr Valerie Vaughan-Dick MBE (CEO RIBA)

  • Laura Webb (RIBA)

Harry Falconer, Jr. (NCARB) signs the MRA document. Seated next to him is Michael J. Armstrong (CEO NCARB). Photo by Adelina Koleva, AIA.

Patricia Ramallo (NCARB) signs the MRA document. Seated next to her is Harry Falconer, Jr. (NCARB). Photo by Adelina Koleva, AIA.

The final signed US copy of the MRA document rests on the table at the Churchill Room of the Old Admiralty Building in London. The agreement represents an international collaborative effort by ARB and NCARB to determine the rules and requirements necessary for architects to demonstrate professional competency. Photo by Adelina Koleva, AIA.

AIA UK President Gregory Fonseca (pictured, centre-left) was invited along with AIA National President Emily Grandstaff-Rice (pictured, left) by ARB CEO Hugh Simpson to represent the US architecture profession at the signing event. Photo by Adelina Koleva, AIA.

Attendees gather outside the Churchill Room in the Old Admiralty Building at the UK Department for Business & Trade. Standing in the centre of the photo wearing a pink jacket is Rosemary Gallant, the Minister Counsellor for Commercial Affairs at the US Embassy. Photo by Adelina Koleva, AIA.

2023 AIA UK President Gregory Fonseca in conversation with AIA National President Emily Grandstaff-Rice ahead of the signing. Photo by Adelina Koleva, AIA.

2023 AIA UK President Gregory Fonseca pauses for a celebratory photo at the MRA signing event in Whitehall. Photo by Adelina Koleva, AIA.

Following the signing, NCARB and AIA executives shared a celebratory dinner with the AIA UK board at Roast in Borough Market. Pictured from left to right: Genie Khmelnitski (AIA UK), Gregory Fonseca (AIA UK), private guest/spouse, Bayliss Ward (NCARB), Paolo Mendoza (AIA UK), Katharine Storr (AIA UK), Adelina Koleva (AIA UK), Patricia Ramallo (NCARB), Lester Korzilius (AIA UK), Emily Grandstaff-Rice (AIA National), Harry Falconer Jr. (NCARB), Etain Fitzpatrick (AIA UK), Michael J. Armstrong (NCARB), private guest/spouse, Christopher Musangi (AIA UK).

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Sanctions update: EU and UK price caps to hit insurers and other sectors

Fiona Mckay

On 5 February, the EU and UK brought into force price caps agreed by the G7 on refined petroleum products to limit Russia’s oil revenue. The price cap measures complement existing prohibitions on Russian originating products into the UK and EU markets. They also mirror a similar cap for crude oil products in effect since 5 December. The caps affect the transportation of these products from the EU or UK to third countries. They target insurance, shipping, and other companies that finance, trade, broker, or carry Russian crude and oil products en route to third countries, where purchases have exceeded the price limit. The UK has laid down detailed guidance and provided an attestation process requiring different actors in the oil supply chain to effect and record due diligence on trading partners.

This article by Paul Henty provides further information on the measures and the steps affected businesses need to take.

Please click HERE to read the full article.

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Fiona Mckay

The AIA UK sponsor Roca has an ongoing program of exhibitions at their Gallery, and they regularly invite AIA UK members to their opening, private viewings.  Last year, AIA UK members attended the opening viewing party for Everything Flows – Zaha Hadid Design Exhibition, written up in our Newsletter HERE. In previous years, events have included topics such as Timber Rising: Vertical Visions for the Cities of Tomorrow or Data Centre Aesthetics – How Do you Make Them Look Good, or Architectures of Story Telling.  In other words, they generally cater to topics of interest to Architects. 

The 9th of February 2023 was opening night for Roca’s Vanishing Points exhibition – an event that hits all the right, architectural buttons. The exhibition is a comprehensive collection of modern, often computer aided drawings, juxtaposed with drawings from architectural practitioners of the past.  There were drawings from the 17th and 18th centuries, drawings from well-known architects from more recent history alongside contemporary drawings of the current generation.  

Needless to say, the exhibition is destined for success.  It will be open to all from the 10th of February to the 29th of July and it is well worth a visit to Imperial Wharf.  AIA friends at Roca will be happy to see you and show you around their amazing, Zaha Hadid designed showroom and gallery.  

Frequent Roca attendees - Martin Varela Vivona (Board Correspondent) , Stephen Reinke (1st President AIA UK Chapter) and Pierre Baillargeon – are joined by Taylor Rogers (current Vice President AIA UK Chapter) in an animated conversation.  In the background, Michael Lischer (3rd President AIA UK Chapter), Dan Smith and Lorraine King (9th President AIA UK Chapter) watched the debate.  It was a distinguished showing from the Chapter among a crowd of literally hundreds. 

The AIA UK Chapter had its own special interest in the exhibition.  Newly elected Board Director, David Martin, was there with his son Alexander to honour his wife’s inclusion in the contemporary groupings.  

David is an award winning healthcare, research and educational architect with a distinguished career.  Although he met his wife Bea while both worked in an architectural office, her talent has blossomed along entirely different lines as evidenced below. 

Attendees at Roca Gallery events do not always get a chance to actively participate in the exhibition, but for Vanishing Points a blank sheet of paper with instructions to ‘Draw Here’, was included, and attendees cooperated as requested. 

Not all the drawers were architects of note – or even trained artists.  Alexandria on the right below simply likes to draw.  To encourage her, we applaud her effort and publish it for future reference. It appears she has future talent of an architectural bent?

The slide show includes exhibited drawings randomly selected from the offerings.  Unfortunately, the event was crowded so not all exhibits were accessible, including some of the oldest, rarest drawings.  To get a better perspective – pun intended – a private trip to Imperial Wharf is in order.

Written by: Lorraine King AIA

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25 JAN 22 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING / Starting with People

Fiona Mckay

The AIA UK’s Annual General Meetings is not only a long held tradition, but also a mandated requirement from our Bylaws.  Refusing to be overwhelmed by governance issues, the Chapter also celebrates its obligations by surrounding the BUSINESS MEETING with a welcoming PARTY and an enjoyable, credit earning TALK. 


Herman Miller has sponsored our AGMs from our beginnings in the early 1990s.  Now - after its merger with Knoll – the parent company MillerKnoll continues its association with the AIA as it represents an impressive array of new products. It is a company that takes the workplace seriously and willingly shares its expertise and extensive research through the ‘Designing a Better Tomorrow’ special talk.

MARK CATCHLOVE – leader of Herman Miller’s Insight Group – started his talk with a short survey of the audience, asking each of us in turn what we would rather be doing with our time.  While no one expected any members to reply, ‘sitting at my desk working’, the responses were surprising.  

Only two members admitted enjoying above all else ‘D&A/A&D’ – that is, design and architecture - but who would have predicted an intense interest in poetry, knitting or basketball?  Or fantasy?  

Catchlove’s simple stratagem quickly proved his point; we may all identify with being architects, but – despite this common denominator – individuals are much more than their profession or their job title.  And that leads directly to the talk’s topic of note: How can workplace design better reflect the requirements of individuals and entice workers back to the office? 

Catchlove stressed the importance of ‘in person contact’.  Working from home can be great for many, but an absolute nightmare for others.  Although strong work ties can be maintained without contact by those already possessing strong ties, weak ties will weaken.  70% of people with low social connection are more likely to feel ‘burnt out’, whereas energy could be increased from contact with others. 

As architects, we all are aware of the importance of place and can easily understand that 80% of people surveyed by the Insight Group want ‘flexibility in WHERE they work’.  It is harder for some designers and managers to appreciate that 94% of people also want ‘flexibility of WHEN they work’. 

Catchlove’s advises a 4 part approach to designing flexible places that stresses the importance of starting with people not with spaces:

  • Places that matter are based on an understanding of how people perceive the world;

  • Places that matter strengthen communities by facilitating activities that bring people together; 

  • Places that matter feel inclusive and personal based on the unique culture of the people who use them;

  • Places that matter get better over time; they are adapted and changed based on people feedback. 

If you are interested in workspace design, more Herman Miller Insight Group research and presentations can be found HERE.


Following Catchlove’s talk, the 2022 President, Anna Foden Assoc AIA, gave an overview presentation of the past year and the 2023 President, Gregory Fonseca AIA, gave a preview of his plans for 2023.  The Year End Presentations can be viewed in full HERE.

The formal part of the AGM dealt with the election of the 2023 Board of Directors and Officers and a review of the 2023 Accounts.  AIA Chapter Members will receive full Minutes of the AGM for review and approval in a separate Announcement.  

Written by: Lorraine King AIA

Photo Credits: C Fiallos, E Fitzpatrick, K Storr, L King

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Fiona Mckay

The AIA UK Emerging Professionals held a drop-in study session for ARE candidates in London at the Howe Showroom near Old Street on 10 Nov 2022. It was a casual event attended by a new generation of UK-based NCARB candidates.

The session focused on exchanging ARE knowledge and going through some sample questions prepared based on the ARE 5.0 Reference Matrix. The Reference Matrix is a list of publications which are used to directly inform exam questions. According to incumbent EP Committee Chair Paolo Mendoza, one of the objectives for AIA UK EP for 2023 is to provide regular ARE Study Sessions based on individual exam Divisions. Another objective is to lean in on the expansion of online ARE Study Resources to make them more accessible. This project will be continued by 2022 EP Committee Chair Adelina Koleva.

If you are currently preparing for the ARE Exams while in the UK, please consider attending AIA UK EP events for more insights and information as well as to provide us with feedback. We are currently developing our resources and are always looking for volunteers to help us improve. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with

Written by Adelina Koleva, AIA 

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Fiona Mckay

Members and prospective members of the AIA UK Emerging Professionals Committee meet at The Crown Victoria on 1 Dec 2022 to discuss the future of EP. Photo by Adelina Koleva, AIA.

On Thursday 1 Dec 2022, AIA UK Emerging Professionals met for an informal evening of discussions at The Crown Victoria to celebrate the end of a successful year. The event was notably attended by EP Committee Member Beyza Kayali and incumbent EP Committee Chair Paolo Mendoza.

We hope that 2023 will bring additional development on the Emerging Professionals front of the AIA UK.  Changes we hope to initiate next year include the expansion of online ARE Study Resources and additional content to be added to the Emerging Professionals web page. We are seeing an increased interest from the side of young US expatriates looking to benefit from two new UK measures: the US-UK Mutual Recognition Agreement and the High Potential Individual Visa. We are also working to gain traction with young UK professionals, particularly those from BAME communities or underrepresented backgrounds, and start looking to build foundational relationships locally. 

All these efforts will take time and personal investment. AIA UK EP needs volunteers to make this vision a reality. As always – for those looking to connect or interested in getting involved - please do not hesitate to get in touch with

Written by Adelina Koleva, AIA 

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